On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 21:51:58 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On 2 Sep 2015 9:05 pm, "Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d" < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

On 8/29/2015 1:13 PM, Ola Fosheim Grostad wrote:

But the net effect of maintaining 3 different backends is sending
signals that
the project lacks direction and priorities.

Back when there was only 1 compiler, people complained about that, saying
it signaled lack of reliable support.

Is this argument still being used?

This is the best example of double standards that outside reviewers give about the core D maintainers.

In any other language, you'd call it freedom of choice (devil's advocate: the fact that there are dozens of C++ compilers has a negative impact on usage and adoption).


A very interesting phenomenon, and one tends to refine one's understanding of it when thinking about developments in financial markets, because then it's serious and one has one's career at stake in learning to understand this phenomenon better.

There's a great deal of insight in Dr Iain Mcgilchrist's The Master and His Emissary.

What I think is happening is the gestalt perception system in the brain has an emotional reaction to some entity (in this case D) and the part specialised in articulation of ideas (that is also prone to confabulation) comes up with a reason to explain why. But the feeling is primary, and the words just justify the feeling (since cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable).

The best recent example of this phenomenon was the hysteria over how the dollar was going to collapse, and anyone with any brain simply had to own precious metals and real assets + emerging market currencies.

It didn't quite play out that way, and it wasn't hard to figure that out at the time. (Timing was the hard part):


Anyway, once you start to understand this phenomenon you see it everywhere. I do believe that's in play with regards to D. And that's why it really doesn't matter what the naysayers believe - the ones you want to focus on pleasing are those who are favourably disposed towards D anyway and just need to understand the case for it better, or have one or two missing things completed.


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