On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 09:09:43PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 9/2/2015 7:08 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
> >And that's why it really doesn't matter what the naysayers believe -
> >the ones you want to focus on pleasing are those who are favourably
> >disposed towards D anyway and just need to understand the case for it
> >better, or have one or two missing things completed.
> That's right.
> I've heard "I'd use your product if only you added Feature X" for 35
> years.  Every time I come back with "Here's X, now you can use it!"
> they just come back with "That's great, but I actually need Feature
> Y".

Too true!

        auto featuresRequested = [ x ];
        while (featuresRequested.length > 0) {
                refuse(product, new Reason(featuresRequested));

                auto newFeatures = waitForNextRelease();
                foreach (x; newFeatures) {

                        auto y = new Excuse();
                        featuresRequested ~= y;

> The truth is, those people will never use it. They just come up with
> endless reasonable sounding excuses. They'll wear you out chasing
> rainbows.
> Those kinds of feature requests should be responded to politely, but
> with a healthy amount of skepticism.
> Of much more realistic interest are those who are already heavily
> using the product, but are blocked by this or that.

Yes, serve existing customers well, and they will spread the word for
you, leading to more customers. Divert your energy to please
non-customers in hopes of winning them over, and you may end up driving
away what customers you do have.


Век живи - век учись. А дураком помрёшь.

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