Out of curiosity I searched for "reasons to use D" and I found this:


This paragraph called my attention:

"At the same time, D doesn’t get all New Age on you: It doesn’t try to be multi-paradigm, it doesn’t claim “five percent better than C” performance, nor does it provide any language features that dramatically alter the existing object-oriented programming status quo."

Sorry, but D _is_ multi-paradigm and it does challenge (not actively though) the OOP "status quo". I haven't written a class for a long time now, and I don't really miss it. D does not go against OOP in an ideological kind of way, but it clearly shows other ways of doing things.

I like this one:

"Users of D host an annual D language conference, but they mainly communicate online."

If you are lucky, you can watch them in their natural habitat. Their mating habits are still a mystery to scientists.

The article is not that old, you know (May 2014).

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