On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 10:44:05 UTC, Pierre Krafft wrote:
 myfunc({return "x:"~x~"y:"-y;});
is infered to mean myfunc((x,y){return "x:"~x~"y:"-y;});
 myfunc({return "y:"~y~"x:"~x;});
is infered to mean myfunc((y,x){return "y:"~y~"x:"~x;});
which is not what I expect since the lambda I want is myfunc((x,y){return "y:"~y~"x:"~x;});
This can lead to subtle bugs which are very hard to see.

I don't think this is what the OP was suggesting. As far as I understand, the suggestion was that the lambda's arguments would be inferred from the function argument in higher order's function signature - not from the ones used in the lambda's body as you suggest.

So, `myfunc` will be declared as:

    void myfunc(string delegate(string x, string y)) { // ...

And when the compiler see `myfunc({return "x:"~x~"y:"-y;});`, it'll see that `x` and `y` appear in the function argument's definition and match them accordingly. This means that `myfunc({/*...*/})` will be inferred to `myfunc((x,y) {/*...*/})` no matter what the order of argument usage in the lambda's body is - because in the function's signature the arguments are `x` and `y` in that order.

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