On Sunday, 20 September 2015 at 17:32:53 UTC, Adam wrote:
My experiences with D recently have not been fun.
My main concern with .NET is portability and performance. I am going to give in to the portability and just assume Mono is good enough. Performance wise, I'd prefer D, but .NET is performant enough for most apps. Maybe in a few years things will change, I can't wait that long. Sorry guys! (not that you will miss me)

OK, the frustration is understandable. D is good enough to impress in short-run but has problems damaging itself in the long run. This leads to impression -> frustration cycle.

However, one point regarding portability. It is wrong to target cross - platform project by *assuming* that Mono is good enough. Either you need portability and you care what Mono does, or you don't. But then it is irrelevant what happens in Linux.

By the way, it seems you started from .Net from the very beginning. It is unclear why you considered D in such circumstances (of course, except portability, but it seems you actually don't need it).

Last point. You mentioned performance. Did you run benchmarks?

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