On Monday, 21 September 2015 at 13:03:20 UTC, default0 wrote:
On Monday, 21 September 2015 at 00:01:01 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
I also hate errors when a lambda contains some errors.

[ 1 ].countUntil!(a => a == undeclared_something);

Error: template std.algorithm.searching.countUntil cannot deduce function from argument types !((a) => a == undefined)(int[])

I agree, the error should contain better reasoning as to why the function cannot be deduced. Since Phobos uses templates pretty heavily, and sometimes has a decent set of pre-conditions, tracking down which condition exactly is failing is hard. Printing the template condition and the expression in it that caused the instantiation to fail would be tremendously helpful!

The problem is that the compiler doesn't know which version of the template constraints you meant to invoke.


void foo(Bar)(Bar b) if (isSomething!Bar) { ... }


void foo(Bar)(Bar b) if (isSomethingElse!Bar) { ... }

The best thing the compiler can do is say `Error: Bar != isSomething and Bar != isSomethingElse`. Which is basically what its doing right now.

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