On 09/23/2015 02:57 PM, Ola Fosheim Grostad wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 18:33:06 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Except D2's already surpassed D1 :)

That's true, although D1 had a more active library producing community?

Hmm, that's not the impression I get (aside from Tango which was a pretty large effort).

D1 had a lot of little libs that briefly blipped and got abandoned. D2 has code.dlang.org and github, and maybe(?) a few fewer libs overall, but what libs it does have tend to be more stable/mature. Almost like D2 was kind of a shake-out, filtering out less serious/mature projects and giving the others a better foundation to grow on.

Of course, the rapid pace of language development around the D1 days made it harder for libs to be well-maintained anyway, compared to now.

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