On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 16:22:35 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Most developers are either not interested in choosing their own tools, or know they're not smart enough to do so. Instead, they rely on the same mechanism as most consumers, social proof, ie do what everybody else in your field is doing:


D is still in the innovators and early adopters stage of the tech adoption lifecycle:


To break out to an early majority, D will have to prove itself, ie the innovators and early adopters have to show empirically that it is working better for them and allowing them to do more.

I think you are spot on.

I have noticed that people (not just in technology) often have a heuristic about how ideas spread that isn't consistent with how this actually tends to work in human society. Not so surprising, because for most people there is no consequence to having a mistaken view.

Ideas don't spread in a democratic fashion. The drivers of their diffusion seem to be profoundly inegalitarian, as that highly talented but utterly 'incorrect' (politically) thinker Vilfredo Pareto observed.

Modern research finds the same thing:

And of course the Geoffrey Moore stuff you allude to and I have mentioned here before. Christensen's Innovator's Dilemma is extremely important here. (Sociomantic guy - I think Don - posted here a while back to agree with me, fwiw). If you're a disruptive technology you don't win by taking on the dominant force head on - that's a silly fight to pick, and you won't win. You win it by having a high appeal to a small group of people, and then you use the energy from that to break into adjacent niches. That's how the Japanese car markers (originally motorbikes/mopeds) went from making cheap, embarrassing cars to posing an existential threat to the American auto industry (for some years).

D isn't cheap or embarrassing, but polish (particularly superficial polish) isn't today its strongest point. (It's a much higher quality product than it appears). That will need to be improved in time, but it doesn't need to be perfect today for it to keep growing. It would be better to focus on developing its appeal to people who already use it but want to use it more, and people who are on the brink but held back by little things. Please your best customers or those that like you already, or those that are desperate to like you because you can be a solution to their pain.

The naysayers are irrelevant, because you will always have people that will tell you you are going to fail, and most likely doing what they say you should do won't actually change their minds. I can understand how tiring it is to deal with error messages (I was talking about this to someone the other day), but mostly it's easier with time, and someone that doesn't persist very long unlikely would be a core customer at this particular stage of development. One's priorities can't be set by who complains loudest.

One way to do this would be to talk to those that use D and see what the obstacles are to wider use for them. (The forum is a tiny proportion of the user base and isn't representative). No doubt that's already on Andrei's agenda. Probably one won't be surprised, but one might be. Also collecting and polishing a set of user stories, so the benefit can be made more compelling to others currently on the fence about adopting.

This is why I keep saying D needs a killer app to break out and garner attention so it spreads wider. An example would be how the success of Whatsapp brought more attention to Erlang. Barring that, a bunch of nice libraries on dub that get attention might work too. One is a home run, the other is a bunch of singles, to use a baseball analogy.

Andrei is right though. Success/responsibility is thrust on those who have earned it, whether they like it or not - D will succeed in a broader domain when it is ready for it, whenever that may be. I don't know if focusing on trying to produce a killer app (not that I suggest you suggest that) will produce the desired result, since it's trying to short-cut a process that is essentially organic. Too large an influx of new arrivals before you are ready for them (docs, libraries, etc) isn't necessarily only positive. If you are going to host the Olympics, it's a good idea to make sure the street signs are up first.

Of course often much better to visit a place before a massive influx of tourists or permanent overseas residents.

I plan to be using some of the work I have built in D over the past while in production soon enough. Who knows what that might lead to down the line? Perhaps my perception of what D can offer me is something idiosyncratic, but often enough I have had the experience of just seeing things a bit earlier. Datasets grow much faster than memory speed/computing power, and if python isn't enough for me today, maybe others will experience the same in coming years. Is Facebook and their assessment of the productivity/efficiency tradeoff a monstrous edge case, or William Gibson's future here now but unevenly distributed? Probably a bit of both, but I am willing to bet more the latter than people think.

When it takes a very smart friend of mine at a big wall street house known for being not bad in technology an hour to run an analysis that takes me a few minutes using dmd debug and without bothering to optimize and it took me a few hours to write and having to wait for results is holding back his strategy (20% of it is based on this, which he copied from me after Deutsche Bank sneakily wrote up a white paper on it) - I think I can say that D has been a smart choice for me so far. Probably others will find that in time, but humans take time to respond to changed conditions. There's an extensive literature on organisational architecture - see Brynjolfsson's work.

Compare the documentation and web site to a couple of years back - so much better. These things take time, but we are so much in a hurry when sometimes that doesn't make it go faster.

I'm hoping that once D is on mobile, it will prove fertile terrain and flourish there. I think more could be done to publicize it as a good language on the server, that scales well and is much easier to develop with.

Your work on that is surely very important. Once it's stable on Android ARM, I suppose it will take a little time for toolkits to be ported. What could be done to make its benefits on the server clearer? One obvious thing is better documentation and more blog posts.

There will need to be a paid toolchain at some point, to spur more development and more manpower on sanding down the rough edges of the tools. That's a chicken-and-egg situation right now, as there might not be enough devs and businesses making money off D to pay for such tools yet.

Hobby/open-source project today, business tomorrow? Who would wish to bet against that happening with some of the free tool sets that are already here? (And that would be something to be welcomed).


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