On Thursday, 24 September 2015 at 05:04:46 UTC, rumbu wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 21:29:02 UTC, alienhunter3 wrote:

Despite the fact that Mono-D is better than VisualD at syntax highlighting and code completion, it is very slow for large files and it crashes very often on Windows (this is not Mono-D fault, but Xamarins's). The main deal-breaker-feature missing in Mono-D is the debugging support, that's why I stick to VisualD. As the OP said, the error messages (especially when you are using plenty of templated code) are a PIA, regardless the IDE used. Debugging also is a PIA for templated or conditional code. Try to debug a bunch of unittest asserts - you'll never hit the correct line in code. Usually I break the unittests in one-liners just to see exactly where the problem is.

Actually Mono-D has better debugging experience than VisualD, but ironically it works only on Linux :D I don't know why you are having troubles with unittests because when a UT fails, the error message includes the line number, so you can put a breakpoint there.

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