On 25/09/2015 15:34, Kagamin wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 20:41:38 UTC, rumbu wrote:
Nice to meet you too, Paolo. Browsing through your posts, I saw that
you are using "mainly Mono-D" :) Don't tell me that you are coloring
the keywords in your code using a marker.

Heh, to install 6GB IDE for a syntax highlighter, which is only 100 LOC,
doesn't sound very good.

FYI Eclipse with DDT installed is about 350 MB in total. Plus 150 MB for a Java 8 JRE, if you don't have one already.

Mind you though, I think install size should be one of the least important factors to consider when choosing which IDE/editor to use...

Bruno Medeiros

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