On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 19:07:32 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 10/06/2015 01:54 PM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Tue, 2015-10-06 at 16:21 +0000, Dejan Lekic via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 16:12:12 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Has anyone got a small example of microservices using D, with
Vibe.d or otherwise, that I can make use of? I need some
examples of small microservices for a session at μCon 2015.

As far as I know, there is no implementation of microservices as we see in the Java world. IMHO, D community should come up with a good microservices architecture. As you pointed out, it could be
based on vibed.

Pity, microservices is a very fashionable thing just now, and Go is wiping the floor with Node and Java. Well that bit is opinion but… many people are getting into all this non-blocking, event-driven, shared memory stuff and boiling their brains, whereas the Go folk are doing blocking stuff using
dataflow which is much easier to program.

Felt stupid for not being hip to this "microservices" thing you say, so just looked it up. But it sounds to me like it's basically just a buzz-driven rediscovery of the basic principles of proper encapsulation and Unix philosophy ("do one thing and do it well").

(Kinda like how "cloud" sounds like a big fancy new revolution until you realize it's just the hip new word for "internet" or "hosted". Or "Facade design pattern" vs plain old "It's a thin wrapper".)

Does that sound about accurate, or am I missing something?

a half of it is the buzz and other half of is not. remember people talking about reactjs, go and rails being buzz? they were the same. we have built an online payment gateway and we are about to decouple our application and switch to microservices architecture. we have an api, a dashboard, a checkout page, mobile flow. we have to deal with accounting and reporting as well. and there is no way that this application will turn into a giant monolith. i don't want that. nobody wants that. it will become something we cannot handle.

another thing is whenever we do deployments we have to take down the whole application and go offline. i know there are other workarounds but when we only want to deploy mobile payments or the api, other functionalities should continue working and our customers should be able to pay.

nobody suggests starting with microservices architecture because you'll never know where things will lead you however when it becomes a giant the suggestion is to use microservices.

one other benefit of using this microservice is that you don't have to look for specific language programmers. you only need to hire good programmers as the only requirement is to do one thing and and doing it well. the rest is about communication.

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