On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 14:07:44 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 07:00:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Yeah, that was the original topic. Then I interpreted it like all uses of "synchronized" would be deprecated.

That would be really bold thing to do, I don't think anyone realistically proposes that. At most I'd suggest to explicitly mark it in spec / documentation as legacy and unidiomatic feature with no deprecation. Removing it does no benefit at this point (even if I believe it shouldn't have been there from the very start)

It wouldn't have no benefit; it would simplify the language. But whether that simplification is worth the breakage it would cause is another matter. And I doubt that Walter and Andrei would go for the idea of deprecating synchronized at this point even if most of us were pushing them for it, because it would break existing code like DWT.

Certainly, if we were truly going to discuss deprecating synchronized, we'd have to figure out a way to even get Walter and Andrei to consider it, and I very much doubt that that is going to happen. It wouldn't surprise me if the simple fact that DWT exists would kill that proposal before Walter or Andrei even considered considering it.

- Jonathan M Davis

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