On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 10:25:07 UTC, Chris wrote:
Apart from that, I think the fact that D is still not fit for mobile platforms is a huge drawback. Loads of people want apps, loads of people have some sort of smart phone, tablet or whatever. Sometimes I think that we're getting sucked in by the quick sand of language specs, pointers, GC etc. while important issues like targeting mobile platforms are second class citizens. Nim for example targeted mobile platforms right from the start. So did Go. I cannot recommend D wholeheartedly unless it also works on ARM at the click of a button. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but mobile is not yet 100%.

Ldc binaries for iOS were announced in July, Dan's now working on 64-bit support:


Android is pretty much done, just cleaning it up by integrating with ldc's CMake build system and other small details, announcement coming next week.

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