On 10/23/15 7:06 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2015-10-22 21:47, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Should this not be mentioned in the document ? If so, care to draft a
sentence for it. Cos readership of this kind of thing exceeds people
that use D already.
It's available in the changelog [1] which links to the full
documentation [2]. I'm not sure what document you're referring to.
[1] http://dlang.org/changelog/2.069.0.html#objective-c-support
[2] http://dlang.org/objc_interface.html
As an objective C developer on iOS, I am curious if you have done any
true development using this?
The example looks terrible -- objc_lookUpClass which only gets a class
that can alloc an NSString? Can this be done better? An objective-c
developer that is not too familiar with D would be very disappointed in
this binding.
Also, what type does 'id' map to?