On 10/23/15 11:53 AM, Kagamin wrote:
On Friday, 23 October 2015 at 12:44:03 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
The example looks terrible -- objc_lookUpClass which only gets a class
that can alloc an NSString? Can this be done better? An objective-c
developer that is not too familiar with D would be very disappointed
in this binding.

A little of massage and you get:

struct ClassStorage(C)
   alias lookUp this;
   C lookUp() immutable
     return cast(C)objc_lookUpClass(C.stringof);

immutable ClassStorage!NSString cNSString;

C alloc(C)()
   immutable ClassStorage!C c;
   return c.alloc();

void main()
   auto str = cNSString.alloc.initWithUTF8String("Hello World!");
   auto str1 = alloc!NSString.initWithUTF8String("Hello World!");

I think this would look better as the official example!

Question is, what does objc_lookUpClass actually return? I'm assuming id. I still don't know what that is in D, void*?


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