On Thursday, 29 October 2015 at 06:02:05 UTC, qsdf wrote:
On Thursday, 29 October 2015 at 02:43:59 UTC, Shammah Chancellor wrote:

I agree with you on an aspect: writing code with __traits() often leads to a cascade of "unfriendly", "cryptic", "undigest", static if and loops.

However your examples are discutables:

1/ The symbol is not always a type, so to test it there is `if(is()){}`:

import std.stdio;

enum hack(A...) = A;

int main() {
        foreach(member; __traits(allMembers, std.stdio)) {
                pragma(msg, member);
        static if (is(member))
alias sym = hack!(__traits(getMember, std.stdio, member))[0];

The point is that you cannot use is() without first using getMember, but using __traits(getMember) before __traits(compiles) generates an error. In your example you're trying to use `is` on a string, which does not work.

2/ with only one way to define the alias it works, whatever is the function type (property or not)

import std.traits, std.stdio, std.typetuple;

private template MemberType(C, string memberName)
alias member = TypeTuple!(__traits (getMember, C, memberName))[0];
    static if (isSomeFunction!(typeof(&member)))
        alias MemberType = typeof(&member);
    else static assert(0, "not handled here !");

struct Hop
    void foo(uint a){}
    @property uint bar(){return 0;}
    uint baz(){return 0;}
    @property void bla(uint h){}

void main()
    MemberType!(Hop, "foo").stringof.writeln;
    MemberType!(Hop, "bar").stringof.writeln;
    MemberType!(Hop, "baz").stringof.writeln;
    MemberType!(Hop, "bla").stringof.writeln;

And you snipped out important sections of code for dealing with fields. The following code now will not compile:

getType.d(7): Error: need 'this' for address of bob
getType.d(27): Error: template instance getType.MemberType!(Hop, "bob") error instantiating

struct Hop
    int bob;

void main()
    MemberType!(Hop, "bob").stringof.writeln;

3/ Your example doesn't compile

Sorry, try this:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.typetuple;
// This won't work:
private template stuff(Args...) {
        /+ static +/ foreach(Arg; Args) {
// Must do this instead:
private template expand(Args...)
        static if (Args.length > 0)
                static if (Args.length > 1)
enum expand = AliasSeq!(repeat!(Args[0], Args.length), expand!(Args[1..$]));
                else static if (Args.length == 1)
                        enum expand = AliasSeq!(repeat!(Args[0], Args.length));
private template repeat(alias T, int times) {
        static if ( times > 1 ) {
                enum repeat = AliasSeq!(T, repeat!(T, times-1));
        } else static if (times == 1) {
                enum repeat = AliasSeq!(T);
enum things = expand!("A","B","C");

void main() {
        pragma(msg, things);
        writeln("Hello World");

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