On Saturday, 31 October 2015 at 07:57:06 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:
On Saturday, 31 October 2015 at 03:07:35 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
In frontend development people are likely to use the same framework/library they used last time, in order to speed up development. Besides know-how, most of that stuff is battle-tested.


Very interesting. Thanks for answering.

The other thing is that you want to tap into their workflow.

Every frontend developer uses npm and every project starts with tools like grunt or gulp, browserify or webpack, + a dozen others.

What these tools do is support their development - every time they save a file their code gets linted, cross-compiled from es6/7 or coffeescript down to javascript, sourcemaps get created, everything gets concatenated, and sometimes hot loaded into their browser so they don't have to press F5.

For production these tools do similar work but often uglify and apply some cache-busting techniques as well.

For css the tools are similar, but they operate on less or sass files.

This all means that the js interface that gets generated by vibe needs to be integrated into their gulp/grunt workflow, which basically means generation the interface at compile time.

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