On 21.12.2015 14:58, anonymous wrote:

On GitHub if people want to play around with it:

That's a full clone of dlang.org in the new style. I just pasted it over
the old style, and hacked around on top of it until it worked, more or
less. It's a quick and dirty showcase. I touched everything, but
polished nothing. There are more rough edges than smooth ones.

Since Andrei and Jacob are having creative differences, I figured I'd just go ahead with this my way, without changes to the tooling.

This is a more proper implementation of the redesign than what I showed before:



It's far from done, and I don't know if I'm going to work more on it over the holidays. So next year maybe.


* Legalities

What's the legal status of this? Did Ivan Smirnov give his permission to use the visuals? If not, can we get it, do we need it?

* Reorganization of the menu

I reorganized the menu quite a bit. The layout simply doesn't allow for many top level items. I don't think it's for the worse.

* Logo

Using the current D logo for now.

* Medium width menu bar

Try making the browser narrower until the main menu bar has two lines of text. I don't like that solution, but switching to the layout with the menu button seems silly at that point. Suggestions welcome.

* Subnav on narrow screens

Example: http://d-ag0aep6g.rhcloud.com/spec/intro.html

Can't have it as a side bar when the window is too narrow. Solution could be to have a link back to a dedicated TOC page instead. Suggestions welcome.

* "your code here" height

Many "your code here" snippets are too long. Cut them down, or change the layout to accommodate for them? I'd go with cutting them down. That may make the whole "your code here" idea pointless.

* Fonts

Do we go with Roboto Slab? What fallback fonts to use, and in what order? Candidates from the current dlang.org and from the mock-up are: Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, Deja Vu, BitStream Vera Sans.

I didn't adopt the monospace font from the mock-up, because it looked pretty bad to me (rather wide, isn't it?). Plain 'monospace' is DejaVu Sans Mono on my system. That one looks better, imo.

* That blank space below "Documentation" on the home page

If anyone has an idea on how to stuff it, shoot.

* Forum and twitter widgets

Does anyone make use of these? I'd totally throw them out, but it may better to be conservative for now. Have to style them properly then.

* forum.dlang.org and visuald.dlang.org

... will have to be updated, too. I think this is a good opportunity to unify the menu situation.

* "Home" link?

Do we need a named Home link in the menu bar, or is the clickable logo enough? There is no other way to get to the home page.

* "your code here" link

Would be nice if the subject line could be prefilled with "[your code here]".

* Javascript fallbacks

Simply haven't done those, yet.

* Deletions that would maybe go under the radar

These things were beloved by some (i.e. Andrei), but in the redesign they are no more:

  * the Slogan
      The D Programming Language
      Modern convenience. Modeling power. Native efficiency.
  * justified text (can easily make a comeback)
  * the GitHub ribbon in the upper right corner on the download page

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