On Friday, 25 December 2015 at 14:04:36 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On 25.12.2015 12:51, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Most of the pages do not seem to be updated.

I don't know what you mean. Could this be a cache thing? Can you give a specific example, maybe with a screenshot?

The drop down in the search fields looks very bad in Safari on OS X. I
think this is a general problem with bootstrap.

This version doesn't use Bootstrap anymore. I just changed some details from the current dlang.org, the core mechanism should work the same.

If the current dlang.org looks ok, but mine doesn't, then I must have messed up something. It looks fine for me, though, and I have no OS X around to check. Further assistance would be appreciated.

I'm away from my computer atm, so I'll just point you to www.browserstack.com. It's also free for open source projects. Test to your heart's content.

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