On 29/12/15 3:23 PM, bachmeier wrote:
Is it acceptable to post examples/tips and tricks in the wiki, and then
link to them in the official Phobos documentation? What I have in mind
is adding to the documentation of a Phobos function

See Also: The [wiki](link) for additional documentation.

This would overcome two (valid IMO) complaints about the current system:

1. There is a lot of overhead associated with changing the official
docs. With the wiki, you type in your new example and you're done. No
futzing around for three hours over a period of several days to make a
small change.
2. Dislike of Ddoc. The wiki uses markdown.

The wiki would accommodate helpful information that is not appropriate
for the official docs:

1. Specialized examples.
2. Tips and tricks.
3. Guidance on choosing between available functions, like benchmarks.

The wiki has advantages over PHP-style user comments. The main one being
that we can do it right now without having to change anything. Another
being the fact that user comments shouldn't be part of the official
docs, because they are unofficial, and are thus wiki material.

So is this something that we can do?

I'm waiting for Andrei to respond but I think we can do one better.

With a little bit of work we could on github ~master push update dlang.org.
So only need somebody to merge PRs or commit changes to ~master and it will auto be up there.

Travis-CI would be good for this. Unfortunately I don't know the OS and how it is setup let alone have auth rights. But it really shouldn't be too much work to do.

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