On Saturday, 2 January 2016 at 01:18:45 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
I think you misunderstand. I realize that D has a ton of library solutions... I am talking about having the "top dogs" come out and decide to support one or the other "officially" and try to turn it into something that people can use knowing that it is "supported".

D, as a compiler, might be amazing but without any proper tools to make it do things that are common, it won't be used much. By proper, I mean "officially supported". (basically it means Walter and Andrei come out and decide to support one of the current packages or to start the push on a new one)

This would accomplish little unless Walter and Andrei actually invested their own time working on such "officially supported" packages; although they are highly respected and have veto power over things like language changes, no one around here actually takes orders from them.

My point was that their time is better spent on what they are already doing: improving the core language facilities, to make it easier for others who are so inclined to build/bind to the library solutions you are looking for.

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