On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 07:55:53 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2016-01-02 21:47, Chris Wright wrote:

So you want to create the following query:

   people.filter!(x => x.surname == "Slughorn");

And you've got ten million people in the collection, and you want this query to finish soonish. So you need to use an index. But a full index scan isn't so great; you want to do an index lookup if possible.

That's simple enough; we generate proxy types to record what properties you're using and what operations you're performing. PersonProxy records that you're accessing a field 'surname', gives a StringFieldProxy, and that records that you're checking for equality with the string "Slughorn".
The lambda returns true when opEquals returns true.

But people write queries that are more complex than that, like:

   people.filter!(x => x.surname == "Slughorn" || x.age <= 17);

First time you run this, x.surname.opEquals("Slughorn") returns true and the expression as a whole returns true. You missed the second part of the
expression. That's bad.

If D had better operator overloading or supported AST macros, opEquals would not return true. It would return a new proxy that overloads the || operator. The rest of the post falls apart from this mistake.

compiler plugins like Rust to enable AST macros could fix this but walter and andrei seem extremely opposed to any form of macros so we end up with ugly heavily templated ugly band-aids

shame, because I think D will quickly lose their lead in the metaprogramming area if Rust keeps it up - e.g, someone already made a GC Plugin for rust's compiler

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