On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 12:28:47 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I must now try creating a D version of the pytest.mark.parametrize decorator – unless someone already has and I have just missed it.

I quick look at pytest.mark.parametrize suggests it could be implemented with UDAs and a test-runner that finds all declarations a module (recursively) and does all the relevant logic (e.g. that's got more than one instance of parametrize, so do some sort of cartesian product of the inputs) and actually runs the test.

The main thing that python has here over D is that D's UDAs can't directly modify the function they're attached to, but I don't think that's necessary for parametrize.

Interestingly, functions can query their own attributes:

@(3) auto attr()
        return __traits(getAttributes, attr)[0];

        assert(attr() == 3);

not sure when I'd use that though...

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