On Wednesday, 6 January 2016 at 16:52:34 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Swift is dumbed down?

Yes, they are streamlining for apps. It is ARC through and through. They are removing things like "++", currying and C-style for-loops; in order to make the language simpler for programmers. Cutting complexity where it isn't really adding much to the language in _typical_ scenarios.

I'm surprised you started off by saying that 80%/GC is the big market, but now believe D should be "advanced."

It is the bigger crowded tooling-demanding market where you have Java, C#, Go, Swift and a slew of others. Without tooling you don't stand a chance in that market.

And really, if you want to compete with C, you can't really be in that market. Do it well, or not at all.

Swift3 probably will try to get closer to C though. Apple seems to be focused on making C less frequently needed.

So they too will try to straddle both horses!

No, they aim for ABI stability and portability. No concurrency features.


Traditionally, it's been C and C++. I could see D providing a lighter version that went after C, especially in embedded, while the current version competes with C++.

With at different team?

We're talking cross-platform here, Swift isn't even in the game till they get on other platforms than OSX/iOS.

But who are using D for cross platform development today? Isn't Linux the primary platform in real world use (i.e. deployment)?

more every year. Apple does it by continually staying at the top of the performance heap, with their in-house designed custom ARM cores blowing away the benchmarks year after year

I don't really think consumers know what they buy, but people tend to want the same UI experience... so switching over takes time.

Maybe, but I don't see them willingly choosing javascript. :)

They'll be forced to. Managers will choose whatever readymades carry name recognition... ;^) Java, .NET, node.js, Angular...

I think most users are used to the web being different or don't care about the "look and feel."

Most users probably don't care, but people who spec mobile apps put it into the requirements.

So "dominant" that Facebook ditched their HTML5 mobile app for native and Snapchat doesn't even have a webapp! HTML5 may now be fairly ubiquitously _implemented_ in current browsers, but you greatly overestimate how many devs are using it or want to.

Not sure what you mean, Facebook invest a lot of money into web tech like React. If anything Facebook is heavily pushing WebApps by funding the frameworks that enables it.

I don't get it: you have access to a debugger _in the customer's browser_ with ES7?

All browsers have debuggers built in...

Every time this happens over the previous decades, something simpler comes along and 80/20s the past bloated tech. The web is _long_ overdue for this. They're finally trying to clean it up a bit, with the recent HTTP/2 and WebAsm moves, but it isn't enough.

I don't see HTTP/2 and WebAsm as a big thing. It is just another step to make web a more solid cross platform deployment platform.

I don't spend much time on compatibility tweaks anymore. I don't mind spending 1% on cross platform. That's actually pretty impressive. Try to get there with native apps on 5 platforms: Linux, OS-X, Windows, Android, iOS... Impossible.

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