Some important properties for binary relations on sets that are somewhat similar to the normal ≤/≥ on the real numbers or integers are:

a ≤ a (reflexivity);
if a ≤ b and b ≤ a, then a = b (antisymmetry);
if a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c (transitivity);
a ≤ b or b ≤ a (totality, implies reflexivity);

A preorder obeys reflexivity and transitivity.
A partial order obeys reflexivity, transitivity and antisymmetry.
A total order obeys transitivity, antisymmetry and totality.
A total preorder obeys transitivity and totality but not antisymmetry

Arrays ordered by length, vectors ordered by euclidian length, complex numbers ordered by absolute value etc. are all total preorders.
Integers with ≤ or ≥ form a total order.
float/double/real obey antisymmetry and transitivity but not reflexivity or totality.

Implementations in D:
Total order: opCmp with "consistent" opEquals to enforce antisymmetry.

Total preorder: opCmp with "inconsistent" opEquals to break antisymmetry.

Preorder or partial order: not possible in D, opCmp insists on totality.

Antisymmetry and transitivity but not reflexivity or totality, e.g. custom float: not possible in D, opCmp insists on totality (no way for opCmp to signify nan comparisons, either with nan (reflexivity) or others (totality & reflexivity)).

Solutions to the above problems:

1) opCmp - or some extended, renamed version of it - needs 4 return values: greater, lesser, equal and neither/unequal/incomparible. This would be the value that is returned when e.g. either side is nan.

or, less intrusively and more (runtime) efficiently:

2) Introduce a new special function `bool opCmpOrdered(T rhs)` that, if defined, is used to shortcircuit a comparison. Any previous lowering to `a.opCmp(b) [<>]=? 0` (as in would now lower to `a.opCmpOrdered(b) && a.opCmp(b) [<>]=? 0`. E.g. `a >= b` becomes `a.opCmpOrdered(b) && a.opCmp(b) >= 0`. If opCmpOrdered isn't defined the lowering is unchanged from before (or opCmpOrdered defaults to true, same thing...).

Bigger example: a custom float type

struct MyFloat
    // ...
    bool isNaN() { /* ... */ }
    bool opCmpOrdered(MyFloat rhs)
        if (this.isNaN || rhs.isNaN) return false;
        else return true;
    int opCmp(MyFloat rhs)
    { //can assume neither are nan
        /* ...  */
    bool opEquals(MyFloat rhs)
        if (this.isNaN || rhs.isNaN) return false;
        else /* ... */

    MyFloat a, b; // has .init as nan, of course :)

    static allFail(MyFloat a, MyFloat b)
        // all of these should short-circuit because
        // opCmpOrdered will return false

    allFail(a, b);
    a = 3;
    allFail(a, b);

    b = 4;

    a = 4;

P.S. This is not just about floats! It is also very useful for making types that represent missing data (e.g. encapsulating using int.min for a missing value). I can only come up with strained examples for preorders and partial orders that I would want people using < and > for, so I won't speak of them here.

P.P.S. Note that I am *not* trying to extend D's operator overloading to make > and < usable for arbitrary binary relations, like in C++. This small change is strictly within the realm of what <, > and = are already used for (in D, with floats). I'm convinced that if you wouldn't read it out loud as something like "less/fewer/smaller than" or "greater/more/bigger than", you shouldn't be using < or >, you should name a separate function; I don't think this proposal encourages violating that principle.

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