
I wrote recently that I am looking at an alternative to C++ for a project currently being coded in C++. I am pleased to say based on preliminary investigations I have chosen D over Go, Rust, and Swift. I have yet to write a line of D code so I will give you an update after I do some coding but here are my reasons:

1. D appears to give me all the power of C++ - and in particular even greater power with templates.

2. D code is cleaner, more traditional (Java and C like), and easier to read and understand than some of the alternatives. Go is simpler of course and also easy to follow - but that is because it is a small language. I dislike the new syntax of Rust as it seems gratuitously different and (in my view) hard to read.

3. D gives me all the low level control while at the same time giving me the ability to write code at a higher level. C++ is similar but the other languages are all restrictive in some way or other.

I did find that I had to go through many articles, video presentations etc. to form my conclusions - it would have been nice if there was a single page on the D website that explained why D should be chosen over the other competing languages. The information is all there but scattered all over the place.

I will provide an update as I start coding in D.

Thanks and Regards

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