On 1/20/2016 1:47 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 01/20/2016 09:56 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/20/2016 4:17 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
-- name.x.d--------------------
module name.x;
-- name.y.d--------------------
module name.y;
import name.x;
extern(C++, name) int x;

This won't work  ...

The suggestion was to just not introduce a new symbol/scope for the namespace.
It would certainly work.

I understand his suggestion. I asked Manu to elaborate what the "serious problems" are. This code snippet doesn't work as it is not supposed to work, but still unknown is what the "serious problem" with it is - and I want to ensure that Manu knows this is not a bug in the implementation.

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