On Thursday, 28 January 2016 at 13:53:30 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
Would there be any interest in a project to automate binding generation from C files (or perhaps even a full conversion tool)? This could be done either as a new project, or possibly building on dstep - if there is meaningful work that can still be done to improve that project. Alternately, the student suggested using pycparser (https://github.com/eliben/pycparse) as the basis for such a tool?

I think it is very important to focus on polishing dstep instead of creating more and more imperfect tools. In the end any approach which doesn't use existing mature C compiler frontend is doomed to make binding mistakes.

Random suggestions for improving dstep:
- implement support for C++ clang API using new shiny dmd features (it tends to have more features than C one) - implement automatic generation of idiomatic D code for raw bindings (i.e. stripping redundant namespace prefixes) - remove/minimize dependencies apart from Phobos/libclang (will make much easier including it into standard tools)

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