On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 17:14:55 UTC, Piotrek wrote:
The goal of this post is to measure the craziness of an idea to embed a database engine into the D language ;)

I think about a database engine which would meet my three main requirements:
  - integrated with D (ranges)
  - ACID
  - fast

Since the days when I was working on financing data SW I become allergic to SQL. I though that NoSQL databases would fill the bill. Unfortunately they didn't. And I want to have an ability to write a code like this without too much effort:

  struct Person
   string name;
   string surname;
   ubyte age;
   Address address;

 DataBase db = new DataBase("file.db");
 auto coll = db.collection!Person("NSA.Registry");
 auto visitationList = coll.filter!(p => p.name == "James");
 writeln (visitationList);

And other things like updating and deleting from db. I think you get my point.

So I started a PoC project based on SQLite design:

The PoC code: https://github.com/PiotrekDlang/AirLock/tree/master/src/database

Can you please share your thoughts and experience on the topic? Has anyone tried similar things?


I've scanned this thread, but haven't seen if any 'decisions' have been more, or if it is just more of the usual back-and-forth with nothing being decided. However, I did have one (Ok two) questions.

1. Is there a GSOC project in here somewhere?
2. Who would want to mentor such a thing?

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