On Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 21:44:54 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On 10.02.2016 22:37, CraigDillabaugh wrote:
I know I can take the logo from the website and blow it up, but it is pretty small and enlarging it so much will result in a pretty awful
looking image.

It's an SVG file, so enlarging should work beautifully. If you're having trouble with it, I can upload a larger SVG or PNG version.

Is 256x256 the ideal format? Does it need to be square? The logo on the site is more wide than high. Do you want it cropped or centered?

Thanks. I found the SVG version, which I should be able to resize. For some reason Google wants a logo at least 256x256. Not sure if it has to be square, need to check their site again, think it has to be 256 on the smallest dimension.

I am reasonably competent with image processing software, so I should be OK, even if I have to crop/squish it. Actually, it would make more sense to just add a white background and centre it on that if they don't take irregular shapes. If I get stuck, I will know who to ask.

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