On Thursday, 11 February 2016 at 14:53:37 UTC, Joakim wrote:
It was not always high-profile, it started off with one guy and grew big through the same decentralized process.

It was fairly popular among students even back when it was not so great. This is not so atypical. Someone fills a void, then it grows. The real enabler was getting access to machines that had MMUs.

The loci guy, just a couple years out of university did it, surely you could too, if nobody else is getting it right.

I could, in theory. But that would make it my only hobby...

software_. So he agrees with you that he isn't some great leader, and notes that what's important is the decentralized process, where there is _no clear vision_.

Now, you're right that copying UNIX is easier than coming up with an entirely new technical design, but he claims that the UNIX guys themselves didn't "design" it, that that was an evolutionary, decentralized process also.

I find that difficult to follow. A Unix kernel is a pretty clear vision...

But Solaris was a much more advanced OS than Linux was, geared towards more complicated setups. I don't think the design of Linux is a major factor, as long as it worked reasonably well.

Linux proliferate because it is the path of least resistance and high installed base. Distributions like Slackware and Debian were probably very important. It's not like end user cared about the kernel all that much. They wanted convenient distributions.

I think people put too much weight on the kernel. It is not all that special.

compare results. Perhaps that will lead to several different GCs shipping with D, tuned for different loads.

Well, the problem is that the language itself does not lend itself to effective GC.

If you have a modular compiler, well structured and documented, then it would make sense to change the semantics to see what the effect is.

That's all well and good, but it doesn't answer the question: how did they succeed without prior consensus, which Linus claims was never there?

I have no idea what he means. The basic conceptual design of a monolithic Unix kernel is rather well established.

Right, it's a question of whether we stop everything and take a thorough bath, or clean a little here and there on the go. There is refactoring constantly going on, and documentation is always tough for OSS projects.

Yes, but I see people repeatedly state in the forums that they they want to try do some work on the compiler, but that they find the code badly structured, undocumented and the process difficult to grasp...

So it probably will pay off, if they actually mean it. For everyone that voice an opinion we probably can add another 5 that choose to be silent?

I mean it's still a scripting language used for teaching, scripting, and webapps. Almost nobody is using it for application programming, ie anything outside that scripting niche, say for mobile apps.

Yes, that's true. Although many people use Python in their workflow as a supporting language or even for meta-programming, like generating source for other languages.

He noted that the UNIX vendors failed because they were highly specialized for certain corporate niches, unlike linux or Windows, and couldn't survive a collapse of that niche, because they weren't general enough to survive in new niches. Similarly, I'm saying D shouldn't specialize for the same reasons.

I don't think it is comparable, Sun sold hardware and consulting. When the hardware market is undermined by commodity they were left with consulting.

It is better for a business to stay focused, and then sell that aspect of their business when the market is shrinking. Sun was also not dissolved, it was picked up and integrated with Oracle, who benefits from Sun's assets. Microsoft is not a very good counter example either. Nor HP or Motorola. Reorganizing fractured businesses is even more difficult, I would think. It basically means you are trying to make sense of many businesses at once, instead of managing one...

People are not looking for a general purpose language. They are looking for a solution to their particular problem area...


All fairly specialized and gaining ground.

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