On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 at 10:54:56 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Why not just say it's a ubyte and then compose with ranges from there?

You could put a range interface on it... but I think it would be of very limited value. For one, what about fseek? How does that interact with the range interface?

Or, what about reading a network interface where you get variable-sized packets?

A ubyte[] is probably the closest thing you can get to usefulness, but even then you'd need non-range buffering controls to make it efficient and usable. Consider the following:

Packet 1: 11\nHello
Packet 2:  World05\nD ro
Packet 3: x

You take the ubyte[] thing that gives each packet at a time as it comes off the hardware interface. Good, you can process as it comes and it fits the range interface.

But it isn't terribly useful. Are you going to copy the partial message into another buffer so the next range.popFront doesn't overwrite it? Or will you present the incomplete message from packet 1 to the consumer? The former is less than efficient (and still needs to wrap the range in some other interface to make the user code pretty) and the latter leads to ugly user code being directly exposed.

Copying it into a buffer is probably the most sane... but it is a wasteful copy if your existing buffer has enough space. But how to you say that to a range? popFront takes no arguments.

What about packet 2, which has part of the first message and part of the second message? Can you tell it that you already consumed the first six bytes and it can now append the next packet to the existing buffer, but please return that slice on the next call?

Ranges are great for a sequence of data that is the same type on each call. Files, however, tend to have variable length (which you might want to skip large sections of) and different types of data as you iterate through them.

I find std.stdio's byChunk and byLine to be almost completely useless in my cases.

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