"Pelle Månsson" <pelle.mans...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> I think foreach should be consistent with opIn, that is,
> if (foo in aa) { //it is in the aa.
>   foreach (f; aa) { // loop over each item in the aa
>     //I expect foo to show up in here, since it is "in" the aa.
>   }
> }
> I use key iteration more than I use value iteration, and it is what I am 
> used to. It is, as you say, a matter of preference.

I've thought for a long while that "in" should be value-based (so you can do 
things like "if(foo in [1,2,7,9])" instead of the not-as-nice 
"if([1,2,7,9].contains(foo))"), and that there should be some other way to 
check for the existance of a key (like "aa.hasKey(key)" or "key in aa.keys", 
or something like that). I need to check for values in an array much more 
often than I need to check for keys in an aa. 

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