Phil Deets wrote:
Hello, I looked over the language specification, and I could not find any statement which says where version conditions are permitted.

Language syntax is generally left to the BNF blocks dotted around the documentation.

I assumed that they would be permitted most places that #if would be reasonable in C, but evidently that is not true as they do not work within enumerations.

That's because D's versioning system isn't a preprocessor.

I would definitely like the following code to work.

enum Tag
   A, B, C,
   version (5) {
      D, E,
   version (7) {
      F, G,
   // ...

So would I, except that it makes more sense to me to have the trailing comma after the '}'. Commas separate, unlike semicolons, which terminate.

Added enumerated values based on versions seems like something that would be desirable. I ran into this need when converting a header file to D.

Does anyone know where version conditions are and are not allowed currently?

They're allowed wherever the grammar expects either a statement or a declaration.

Would version conditions within enumerations be a good feature to add to D2?



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