On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 09:23:01 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
On Friday, 12 February 2016 at 08:29:45 UTC, SomeDude wrote:
Hey, just a post to say how cool the new website is. I can browse it on an iPhone without issue.

I wonder what percentage of traffic is now mobile? I know I only use mobile these days, ie I haven't used a "desktop" browser since late last year (though my 8.4" tablet that I use most of the time has 4 million pixels, more than most desktop/laptop monitors). I'm sure the recent redesign made the site a lot more convenient for a lot of users if mobile use is becoming widespread.

I think there is a surge of new users on the #d IRC channel since the new website is up. Don't have numbers though :)

The redesign got a decent amount of votes on reddit, makes sense:


I wonder when they'll get around to adding tags to reddit, maybe by 2030? :D Oh well, at least they have that convenient link for domains, which I didn't know existed till I just stumbled across it through a google search.

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