On Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 12:51:28 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
I believe `isConvertableTo` is a more Phobos-compliant naming, right?

I went for canConvert since it is a bit shorter than isConvertible and there is precedent for it in Phobos as well (e.g. find/canFind). It's a matter of taste, though. If I were to work on the library again today, I might just as well go for isConvertible.

Is there are reason why `convert` wasn't named the shorter and Phobos-compliant `to` instead?

One thing to consider is that convert!U differs from to!T in that the latter returns something of type T, whereas the former returns a Quantity!(U, …). This seems enough of a difference that choosing the same name as the widely used std.conv.to might be somewhat misleading (even though I usually advocate for using the module system for disambiguating names).

function, you then simply use cos(angle.convert!radian / radian) or whatever.

Why not simply add a Quantity member […] toValue()

This is again a design decision that can go either way. The choice I made was deliberate, although of course not above debate:

Since I chose to have dimensionless quantities implicitly convert to "plain" value types, it seemed superfluous to add another primitive (`a / a.unit` is simple enough to write). Furthermore, it underlines the point that `*` and `/` between quantities and units do not actually change the numeric value, but merely modify its units. Making use of that for the "core functionality" seemed like a cute way to drive the point home to users. Explicitly specifying the unit also helps avoiding mistakes in generic code.

If you want to go the other route, I would suggest carefully deliberating the naming scheme, since discarding unit information is a lossy and potentially "unsafe" (as in code correctness). In an attempt to make this obvious in the current implementation (where it is only enabled for dimensionless quantities), I named the function rawValue(). For example, renaming (fromValue, rawValue) to {from, to}Raw() might be clearer than {from, to}Value().

By the way, I highly doubt that "puts less stress on the compiler" is a valid argument for that decision. In that regard, the big elephant in the room is GetConversion, which you might want to re-do using a breadth-first search anyway (see TODO comments; I couldn't be bothered to implement it back then due to the numerous DMD bugs I had to fight).

 — David

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