On Friday, 25 March 2016 at 05:59:01 UTC, cy wrote:
* a backtrace that displays when you hit ^C, instead of just silent death

Perhaps have a look at what etc.linux.memoryerror does.

* DWARF debugging symbols that don't scramble the only program on earth that actually uses them.

What compiler flags did you use?

Having an up-to-date GDB might help.

* better ways to report program status besides writeln("we got here somehow");

This sort of works:

                throw new Exception(null);
        catch (Exception e)
                context = e.toString().splitLines()[1..$];

A `Thread.getStackTrace` would be nice.

* catching null pointer errors earlier, instead of waiting until you 1) call the class function and 2) the function accesses a member.

Doesn't this already happen if you compile without -release? Calling a class method will invoke the class invariant hidden virtual method, which will segfault when looking up the method in the vtable.

* ways to ensure that nothing is being copied, if you accidentally write a wrapper that creates an object instead of referencing it, or moving it.

Structs have this: @disable this(this);

* it would also be nice to be able to return references, instead of copying structs every time, or writing wrappers around them (which also cannot be used with inout)

You can return by ref...?

* heap allocated structs, stack allocated classes, it would be nice to have allocation strategy independent from layout strategy.

Heap allocated struct: auto s = new S;
Stack allocated class: auto c = scoped!C;

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