Am Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:29:38 +0000
schrieb cy <>:

> On Sunday, 27 March 2016 at 15:40:47 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
> > Is it just me? I've never heard of a programming environment, 
> > let alone a system programming language providing that 
> > information.
> Well, not by default certainly. It is a bit pie-in-the-sky […].

At first you framed it like it was something to be expected in
a PL. As a pie-in-the-sky for DMD on the other hand I agree
with you. Maybe it is enough that GDC provides this feature.
Or maybe you could turn the idea into a DIP (with GCC as the
reference implementation) so eventually DMD and LDC can provide
this as well.

> > silly and factually wrong.
> No, it's factually true. You can provide arguments that have 
> spaces in them, but there is no way to put spaces between the 
> arguments to your logging function. I would expect that the 
> logger would be called with the arguments provided, but instead 
> the logging code uses a private function to stringify and 
> concatenate all the arguments, and provides it to the logger as 
> one single opaque string. This is certainly something that could 
> be improved.

It is straightforward to put spaces between arguments:
        warningf("%s %s %s", "puts", "spaces", "inbetween");

If you refer to the common headers that go before each
message, those are indeed not configurable for existing Logger
implementations. Swapping them out is not complicated though:

        import std.experimental.logger;
        import std.stdio;

        stdThreadLocalLog = new class FileLogger
                this() { super(stderr, LogLevel.all); }

                override protected void beginLogMsg(
                        string file, int line, string
                        funcName, string prettyFuncName,
                        string moduleName, LogLevel logLevel,
                        Tid threadId, SysTime timestamp,
                        Logger logger)
                        import std.string : lastIndexOf;
                        auto idx1 = file.lastIndexOf('/');
                        auto idx2 = funcName.lastIndexOf('.');
                                "%s %s %s %u ", timestamp,
                                file[idx1 + 1 .. $],
                                funcName[idx2 + 1 .. $], line);

        warningf("%s", "<- the header now has spaces instead of ':' in it");

You could also make 'beginLogMsg' call a user provided
delegate for formatting to freely change the looks at runtime.
> What I did was write my own logging framework, that joins 
> arguments with spaces in between, and provides that as a single 
> argument to std.experimental.logging. But that requires me to 
> duplicate all the template boilerplate (func = __func__, file = 
> __file__, line = __line__ etc) so all the code in 
> std.experimental.logging to do that can't be used, reducing 
> std.experimental.logging to basically nothing other than writeln.

WTF? :p
If you wonder why some feature is not provided in the default
implementation, the answer is likely that Logger was meant to
be as light-weight as possible with the option to completely
carve it out and re-implement it. For example, if the header
could be formatted with a format string, "%s" would have been
the only option for the time stamp.

> > If you ask for a *guarantee* of no copy on struct return, then 
> > you are right.
> I wish I was right. There are still some gotchas there, that I 
> don't fully understand. Things like:
> >     BigStruct ret = returnsBigStructToo();
> look the same as things like:
> >     BigStruct ret = returnedbigstruct;
> but the latter is actually a copy. D making paretheses optional 
> for properties makes it even more confusing.
> > A a = b.myA // copy or emplacement?

I believe the idea is that to copy or not to copy a struct is
just an optimization step and in cases where this strictly
must not happen @disable this(this); catches all code that
would need to perform a copy to work. Maybe you can return
your structs by reference or pointer? It is hard to tell
without seeing the code, how it could be refactored with
Dlang's design choices in mind.

> But even taking that into account, I've had mysterious situations 
> where the pointer to a returned structure changed, from within 
> the function to without, without any apparant copying going on.

Be assured that if that happens without this(this) being
called, it is worth a bug report.

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