On Sunday, 3 April 2016 at 09:12:05 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I though Laeeth had a good suggestion on how to market D a couple months ago, as the current front-page pitch may be too general for some chunk of readers:

"A set of 'channels' for different use cases might be helpful. Eg bioinformatics, numerical computing, web, etc. Both for tutorials and setting out the advantages."

I'd organize it by adding a usage page to dlang.org with a list of popular channels like that, with a paragraph of info for each and links to the wiki with more info about use in that field. The usage page would have some links from the front page pitch.

As such, we need to collect info on how you all are using D now. If you are using D in some field like that, please describe what you're doing and we'll add it to the website.

Not exactly what I had in mind longer term (combination of shiny appealing thing that gets the idea across quickly would compliment grittier unpolished stories), but here is a start:


When you're at the periphery for the time being, you have to give some thought to what your advantages are, what problems other people have, and how you can get them to see how you can solve it. But of course first of all you may need them to help perceive and articulate that they have a problem - amidst the fog of life, that's not always as clear as it sounds when described after the fact by a writer like Michael Lewis (Big Short, Liar's Poker).

And I think given where D is its much more likely to be recognised as the right tool for many jobs by hearing how someone else - that's a real person not a symbol - had a problem that is kind of just like yours but was able to make use of this workshop (as Walter describes it) to ease their pain and do things that never were quite easy enough to tackle before.

You have to make the best of what you got. People are very helpful here - its not just John Colvin rewriting someone's ported Python code, and Adam Ruppe solving someone else's obscure linking problem (by doing so he is responsible for what is likely D's first adoption by a hedge fund - Andy Smith's old shop) as well as 10 questions a day on irc. On the other hand, people arent shy about describing what they don't like, and that's ultimately a positive because it means you have a community that is more concerned about quality than being agreeable for the sake of it. And, as Andrei says, be honest till it hurts, is a great way to move towards excellence. From a marketing point of view then, it's better to make a clean breast also of the areas where D isn't where we would want it to be - yet. By doing so it's then much easier to put things into proper context and shape the narrative. When I started with the language it really wasn't clear to me that it was suitable for using in production, and if you read social media then you might still come away with that impression. Clarity may be the best answer to fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

And delivering on what you say you will is a great way to build trust. If you come to D thinking your python code when ported directly will automatically be 200x faster (I exaggerate for effect) then when it's only a few times as fast you will be disappointed. So then its better to explain that, and why, and that for processing large amounts of data the GC isn't great, but at the same time you really don't need to make such a fuss about it - D is not Java, and its easy to avoid the major infelicities and here are some examples of what you can do.

Anyway, we aren't going to draw users by means of shiny marketing primarily. The latter does matter because if you are in an organisation and take a social, political, and commercial disk by doing something different, then its much easier for you if others who check it out take a quick superficial look (because heuristics in the face of attention and time starvation), but you most of all want to appeal to the guys who want to believe anyway and just need to have some help in understanding that this can be the case.

People in similar lines of work often have similar problems. So then its very interesting if you are doing finance or econometrics work to be shot instantly not just to Bachmeier's work (different things, but opening up R libraries is huge), but also to hear in practical concrete terms what he uses it for and what the benefit is.

Similarly if rapid prototyping is important - which ought to be the case for many - then Walter's Worp experience is very powerful. Yes,it's the language creator who is also a very good, performance oriented programmer (and would he have achieved a comparable speedup had he been working in Perl ? ;) but a story doesn't need to be objectively indubitable even to a sceptical observer to get the point across. You will find an account of that if you watch lots of YouTube videos or happen to stumble across the Wired article, but in general the people in organisations with the power to make decisions don't - except at the very top - have so much time to do this.

If I recall correctly plasticity is mentioned on the front page, but it's not made super clear what that means and the benefits arent made vivid if you arent a!ready aware of them. I don't think there is a link to a summary of Walter's mention of it in relation to the practical experience of developing Worp or Andrei's recapitulation of the experience - and no nice little summary that gets me interested enough to watch the whole talk.

Similarly there is no one place go learn about how people are using it in bioinformatics - there was even an academic paper on the benefits, but I don't think you would find that easily from the front page. (The audience for the channels isnt limited to only people in that sector, as I guess if you process a lot of string data, probably you take peek at what the bioinformatics guys are doing). And how many prominent clicks does it take to go from the front page to an understanding of who Sociomantic are, what they do, at what scale, and how much they save vs their competitors by using D rather than the alternatives. Or again, AdRoll is a python shop - they have given talks about their use of python at scale. But their data scientists use D. That's funny - Guido says python is fast enough. Why do they use a language with a smaller ecosystem and worse tooling than the obvious alternatives ? What has been their experience in practice, warts and all ? Maybe they don't want to talk about it, but has someone approached them and asked if they would like to ? I would do it myself - I did write some wiki content, but I just don't have the time, and will try to help longer term in other ways. But it wouldn't take much work to make some progress - so much low hanging fruit, and initially its perhaps more about creativity and coming up with a plan than it is sheer grind work.

Beginnings are often modest, and one doesn't need to drink the ocean in one gulp - just working away at it will work wonders, I think.


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