On 2016-04-05 23:40, Walter Bright wrote:

Haha, MicroEmacs is written in D, so just use D code :-)

I don't really understand why IDE makers don't use an actual programming
language for plugins - I'd use javascript as there's a D implementation
of a javascript engine you can use. (Using D as a plugin language would
require making DLLs which is a pain or making a D interpreter, which
would be a major project (CTFE in theory should work for that, but it
consumes too much memory).)

TextMate, Sublime and Atom all use the same syntax to describe the grammar for a language. All of them supports plugins (to various degrees), but none of them uses plugins to syntax highlight code, as far as I know.

I guess it's easier for most of us, I know you write a lexer in two days :), to use the custom syntax to describe the grammar than to create a proper lexer and parser. Note that a lexer is not enough, these grammars can describe how a function (and other constructs) look like.

/Jacob Carlborg

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