On 4/6/2016 1:09 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
TextMate, Sublime and Atom all use the same syntax to describe the grammar for a
language. All of them supports plugins (to various degrees), but none of them
uses plugins to syntax highlight code, as far as I know.

I guess it's easier for most of us, I know you write a lexer in two days :), to
use the custom syntax to describe the grammar than to create a proper lexer and

I doubt any of them could lex C/C++ correctly (trigraphs, macros, backslash line splicing, wysiwyg string literals).

Even D has some issues - token string literals - that would defeat most grammar attempts.

A straightforward lexer (i.e. one not heavily optimized for speed) written in a reasonable high level language does not look all that different from BNF, and has the advantage of not being borked if something is not quite expressible in the grammar language.

> Note that a lexer is not enough, these grammars can describe how a
> function (and other constructs) look like.

Are you talking about an AST?

(Good luck doing an AST for C++ without a real C++ compiler front end! Not that hard for D, though.)

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