On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 at 13:55:23 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 26.04.2016 10:20, Suliman wrote:
Do you really think that modern language should like this?

I talked with a lot of rust fun-boys. Most of them do not understand do
not understand the code of their favourite language.

Rust will die when Mozilla will move to WebKit. I much more believe in
Swift success, that that Rust have any future.

Please don't bash on other languages, especially when they're perceived as competition. It reflects badly on the D community.

He gave very specific criticism, along with a code sample, then made a prediction, followed by suggesting another competing language that might do better. None of that is the usual content-free fanboy "bashing." There is nothing wrong with occasional criticism of the competition, as long as we don't overdo it, either in frequency or by exaggerating.

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