On 26.04.2016 20:16, Joakim wrote:
He gave very specific criticism,

This is not "very specific criticism": "Are you joking? When I am reading it's code my eyes begin to bleed. It's syntax is terrible. [...] Do you really think that modern language should like this?"

along with a code sample,

He gave a code sample, yes. He didn't point out what he dislikes about it. He didn't contrast it with another language.

then made a prediction,

You skipped the part where he puts puts down Rust "fan boys", saying they don't even understand Rust code.

His "prediction" is the death of Rust. In my opinion, calling death upon competing projects is bad form.

 None of that is the usual content-free fanboy "bashing."

I don't agree. I don't see any content to speak of.

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