On Saturday, 7 May 2016 at 13:10:37 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Please curb off-topic discussions and mark them with [OT], yadda yadda yadda. Thanks! -- Andrei

When people complain about the D forums, they aren't complaining about infrequent OT stuff. Random tangents about the weather naturally fizzle out after five or six posts and don't leave hard feelings.

The bigger problem we have is that things get discussed without a plan of action that actually gets followed through on. How can we forget the `virtual` debacle? That's the real spam on the forum: a long thread where things are discussed, people believe a decision is reached, code gets implemented.... then all mysteriously dropped.

On the other hand, new things pop up from apparently nowhere. We have these roadmap documents twice a year but they don't seem to be very meaningful.

What I think would help on the forum is if actual work is discussed in real time, something like the main contributors to check in every other day and tell us what they're working on and what they're working toward. No need to discuss it at length, that'd get counter-productive, but just take a few minutes for you and Walter and others to say "I'm working on big-O right now which will help with containers, and plan to continue that throughout the week." or "I decided to shift gears and play with 64 bit exception handling because it will help C++ interop."

Like the agile stand up meeting idea, though even less formal. Just so the community has *frequent* updates on the short-term direction to complement the longer term direction laid out in the 2016 H1/H2 documents.

Not so anyone gets to input on it, but just so we feel inspired. My review of merged pull requests at the end of the week sort of gets there, but it is hard for me to get past the surface, I can only see a summary after-the-fact with little indication of why or how it fits into your development plans.

Think how much more productive the forum would appear if people - including you and Walter! - actually talked about ongoing projects on it instead of primarily just proposals.

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