On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 20:28:09 UTC, Manuel König wrote:
Am Wed, 18 May 2016 18:57:48 +0000
schrieb ParticlePeter <particlepe...@gmx.de>:

On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 15:09:50 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 13:26:14 UTC, Manuel König > wrote: > >> I think I will use glfw3 later. I don't know if the >> original problem of using multiple configurations (xcb, >> xlib, glfw3, ...) is possible with only dub's internal >> logic. I tried putting this in my "vulkantest" packages' >> dub.json
>> "subConfigurations":
>> {
>>        "erupted": "with-derelict-loader",
>>        "erupted": "normal"
>> }
>> just for testing, and dub told me
>> Could not resolve configuration for package vulkantest
>> So I thinnk multiple subconfigurations are not supported.
> The way to handle this is to make multiple configurations of > vulkantest, one for each of the configurations of erupted > you want to support. Then, when you build vulkantest, you > specify the configuration you want to build on the command > line (unless you're building the default).

This is a good point, the custom project platform configuration would then be forwarded to erupted. Only drawback would be that "with-derelict-loader" config is not available in combination with a platform config, but in the later case you would want to grab vkGetInstanceProcAddr anyway in platform specific means.

Manuel, I could just skim over xcb-d. As far as I can see it has the module xcb.xcb. Is this module sufficient to be imported in erupted.types.d? In this case I would not have to touch the erupt.py generator but instead just fix the erupted.dub file. As you can test it, how about a pull request?

@ Peter: Yes, importing xcb.xcb is all you need, no patches necessary. But I could patch erupteD's dub.json for an xcb configuration, and maybe put in the readme how to use a configuration, but probably not until sunday.

@Mike: Having multiple subconfigurations (xcb, xlib, glfw3, ...) to pick for the user is the solution Peter was going for, as I understood him. The problem is when a user wants to support both xcb and xlib, or any mix of them. But this is probably just a pathetic use case not relevant in practice, I just stumbled over the question if that is possible when I wanted to add proper xcb, xlib, etc. support to erupteD.

As far as I understand Mike it is still possible. Suppose you build an engine based on (d-)vulkan/erupted, lets call it Turtle-Engine, you would also specify sub-configurations for xcb, xlib, win, ... and you could support any of (d-)vulkans/erupted sub-configs in your corresponding configs. When some dude (no sexual prejudice meant) wants to write a Turtle-App, which is based on your Turtle-Engine he decides how many of your configs representing platforms he would like to support. Now you see, as the language architect pointed out, its turtles all the way down.

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