On 5/20/2016 11:18 PM, poliklosio wrote:
I have an Idea of reproducible, less-than-exponential time mangling, although I
don't know how actionable.

Leave mangling as is, but pretend that you are mangling something different, for
example when the input is
foo!(boo!(bar!(baz!(int))), bar!(baz!(int)), baz!(int))
pretend that you are mangling
foo!(boo!(bar!(baz!(int))), #1, #2)
Where #1 and #2 are special symbols that refer to stuff that was **already in
the name**, particularly:
#1: bar!(baz!(int))
#2: baz!(int)

This is what LZW compression does, except that LZW does it in general rather than just for identifiers.

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