On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 18:47:57 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 05/24/2016 02:03 PM, Thiez wrote:
Does the
experience help someone getting a job in the industry?

Probably not, again with the same caveat. I speculate experience with one of the other CSS scripting engines would also not be very helpful in landing a job as a software engineer.

Not at a big company, but in small companies with maybe three engineers, broad skillsets are very much in demand. Even if you're nominally a backend engineer, you can't say, "Sorry, I just don't *do* CSS."

On my second-last contract there were about two engineers on the project at any time, and I felt like I wrote nearly as much JavaScript and (SASS) CSS as Python.

Pulling Ruby in as a dependency for dlang.org would be sucky, but anything other than SASS or LESS (or something syntax compatible) is going to turn away a lot of contributors. A homebrew macro system would make most run screaming, no matter how easy it is to learn.

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