On Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 00:15:48 UTC, sarn wrote:
Pulling Ruby in as a dependency for dlang.org would be sucky, but anything other than SASS or LESS (or something syntax compatible) is going to turn away a lot of contributors. A homebrew macro system would make most run screaming, no matter how easy it is to learn.

The other side of the coin is that any additional dependency added to the build process is going to contribute in turning away people who want to contribute to Phobos and just want to see what the resulting docs will look like.

DDoc syntax is not that alien in comparison, and is pretty self-explanatory. I honestly think there is a lot of exaggeration in this thread. Some people complaining in this thread have never even contributed anything in the first place!

That said I don't see a lot of demand for preprocessing our CSS files at the moment.

And, to add a data point, I have never used (or needed) neither SASS or LESS, despite creating a lot of web apps and even working at a web design company for a bit. I don't feel like I'm missing out.

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