Michel Fortin, el  5 de noviembre a las 19:43 me escribiste:
> On 2009-11-05 19:14:47 -0500, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> said:
> >Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> >>Are we in agreement that @safe functions have bounds checking on
> >>regardless of -release?
> >
> >You're right from a theoretical perspective, but not from a
> >practical one. People ought to be able to flip on 'safe' without
> >large performance penalties.
> >
> >If it came with inescapable large performance penalties, then
> >it'll get a bad rap and people will be reluctant to use it,
> >defeating its purpose.
> But if you remove bound checking, it isn't safe anymore, is it?

100% safe doesn't exist. If you think you have it because of
bound-checking, you are wrong.

> Sometime safety is more important than performance. If I needed
> performance in a safe program, I'd profile and find the bottlenecks,
> review carefully those parts of the code slowing down the program,
> then when I trust them perfectly I'd add the @trusted attribute.
> @trusted should remove bound checks (in release mode). @safe should
> keep them to keep other less trustworthy pieces of of the program
> truly safe.

What if I'm using an external library that I don't control? *That's* the
problem for me, I want to be able to compile things I *trust* as if they
were *trusted* :)

> That said, I'd be in favor of a compiler switch to enable/disable
> runtime checks in release mode... perhaps "-safe" could return as
> way to generate truly safe binaries even in release mode. This would
> also make it pretty easy to evaluate how much impact those runtime
> checks have on final executable (by turning on and off the compiler
> switch).

I vote for an -unsafe (and/or -disable-bound-check). Safe should be the

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Lo último que hay que pensar es que se desalinea la memoria
Hay que priorizar como causa la idiotez propia
Ya lo tengo asumido
        -- Pablete, filósofo contemporáneo desconocido

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