On Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 18:38:30 UTC, Seb wrote:
I proposed two weeks ago to turn off the bot, but it seems some people like it.

Yet the DMD group doesn't get them anymore, and no one is complaining (loud enough).

Github is already high-traffic, so I expect if we have a mailing list it to be similar, so the seperation into groups make sense.

GitHub traffic is going to stay on GitHub. The dev group(s) are only going to get what's currently ending up in General.

So incorporating your feedback it would be:

- DRuntime
- Phobos
- Official tools and resources (dlang.org, download, ...)
- Language design (or Idea pool)
- Other (formerly known as General)

or turning off the bot instead for the first three categories (preferred solution).

More like:

- Development (about everything under github.com/dlang, replacing the DMD, Druntime, and Phobos groups)
- Language Design
- General

Though I wouldn't mind separate groups for the github.com/dlang stuff. I just don't think they're exactly necessary.

But I do think that the GitHub thing needs to be turned off if we want to use the groups for discussion.

I prefer "General" over "Other", because
1) that's what it's called now. Less disruption is better. And
2) "Other" sounds like it's for borderline off-topic stuff, which the group isn't.

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